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351 Design Street

Duas amigas partilham boa arquitectura e design com uma pitada de fotografia e DIY. Tudo em três minutos ou menos. // Two friends share good architecture and design, with a dash of photography and DIY. All in 3 minutes or less

DIY Weekend #02

A door for everyone!A door no longer needs to be simple, common and discret. It can be bold, different, the focal point of the room or an art piece.
And I'm not just referring to painting it a different color. You can use two or three colors, create geometric patterns, use washi or electrical tape, cover it with wallpaper or fabric. All is possible! Just let your imagination flow...
So here are some ideas for a different door in your house.


half-painted via a beautiful mess

electrica tape geometric pattern via likainen parketti

washi tape door via tretoen

geometric pattern door via camille styles

electrical tape door via i spy diy

chalkboard painted door via lynne knowlton

fabric covered door via how about orange

wallpaper covered door via shelterness
P.S. How cute is that dog?!