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351 Design Street

Duas amigas partilham boa arquitectura e design com uma pitada de fotografia e DIY. Tudo em três minutos ou menos. // Two friends share good architecture and design, with a dash of photography and DIY. All in 3 minutes or less

Accent walls: more than a painted wall

An accent wall can transform a plain room into something different, bright and even sexy. It’s an alternative to wall art and it can be used to personalize a room’s design and claim it as yours.
The easiest way to make an accent wall is to paint it in a different color. But there are other ways. You can use wallpaper, stencil it, write a poem, cover it with a different material, use washi tape, stamp it, paint geometrical figures, and so on.
In the end you’ll see the difference an accent wall can bring to a room.


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